About the film

Synopsis: Every day huge trucks thunder through the Kyrgyz village of Barskoon. They are carrying a deadly freight: cyanide, which is used to extract gold at the nearby Kumtor goldmine. In 1998, one of the cyanide trucks crashes into the river that runs through the village. People die and hundreds of villagers fall ill. After seven years – in which the Kyrgyz government does nothing – a handful of courageous women begin to fight for the rights of the victims. Erkingul and her fellow campaigners found a small environmental organization, block the road leading to the mine and eventually manage to secure 3.7. million US dollars in compensation from the Kyrgyz-Canadian gold mine.
When a revolution topples the government of President Bakiev in 2010 the women are at the forefront of the protests. After the first democratic election, Erkingul manages to secure a seat in parliament and continues to lead the fight against the gold mine as a politician. Her friends stay behind in the village. Staying very close to the activists, this humorous film describes not only the political commitment displayed by these women in their struggle for justice, but also how people manage to survive in a Kyrgyz village.
Country of production: Germany
Year of production: 2014
Production: TOPOS
Coproduction: Vizion
Format: DCP, Length: 96 minutes
Subtitles: German, English
Supported by: Film- und Medienstiftung NRW, Brot für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst
Developed at: EsoDoc, Editing Lab Gesa Marten, Visual Anthropology Workshop by David & Judith MacDougall at the Istituto Superiore Etnografico della Sardegna/Italy
Developed at: EsoDoc, Editing Lab Gesa Marten, Visual Anthropology Workshop by David & Judith MacDougall at the Istituto Superiore Etnografico della Sardegna/Italy
64. Berlinale, Germany 2014
DOK.fest Munich International Competition - Munich/Germany 2014
Kölner Kino Nächte - Colgone/Germany 2014
Müchner EthnoFilmFest - Munich/Germany
Golden Island International Filmfestival - Northern Cyprus 2014
Terre de Femmes Woman Festival – Tübingen/Germany 2014
This Human World – Vienna/Austria 2014
Human Rights Film Days - Luzern/Switzerland 2014
International Film Weekend - Würzburg/Germany 2015
Tutti Nello Stesso Piatto, Festival Internazionale di Cinema Cibo & VideoDiversità, Trento/Italy 2014
One World Human Rights Film Festival – Prague/Czech Republic 2015
One World Human Rights Film Festival - Brussels/Belgium 2015
Filmfestival Más - Managua/Nicaragua 2015
International Documentary Film Festival - Sevastopol 2015
Freiburger Filmforum - Freiburg/Germany, 2015
Amnesty International Filmfestival Toronto / Canada, 2015
GIEFF, Göttingen International Ethnographic Filmfestival, Germany, 2016
Sotambe Documentary Film and Arts Festival, Zambia, 2016
Ethnographische Filmtage Bremen, Germany 2016
German Human Rights Film Award 2016
Cinema FAIRBindet 2014